U11 Boys - Riverview Crimson

General Information

Team Goals: Our coaching goal is to spark interest in the game for our new players and to improve game play of our returning players. Winning is great, but at U11, it's not our goal. We want the kids to have fun and improve their skills. If we can accomplish this, you will have a hard time getting the ball away from their feet.

Equipment: Please ensure all players have properly fitted soccer shoes, shin guards and a water bottle. Players may also want to have sunscreen and bug spray (applied to clothing) before evening game and practices.

We will distribute team uniforms when they become available from the club.

Practice Goals: U11 is also a turning point in player development: Game play improves considerably - players are getting bigger, stronger, faster - winning becomes a focus for kids and parents.  For now, we want to put winning aside and focus on player and team development.

In the first half of the season, we will focus on game fitness, ball handling, passing and team play. Players will be expected to play in multiple positions to experience all the challenges that the field offers. 

In the second half of the season, we will start training for positioning, tactics, and game strategy. At that time, we expect to see our experienced players start to make tactical decisions. We will also start positioning players on the field to utilize their best skills.

Attendance: We request that players also commit to being at all practices and games.  When conflicts do occur, please let us know ahead of time, so that we can better plan.  

Players should be picked up promptly when practices or games are over.

Discipline: We want all players to get the most out of practice. If discipline becomes an issue at practice, we will ask the player to sit out after two warnings.

During games, we expect no unsportsmanlike behavior. If discipline becomes an issue on gameday, we will ask players to sit out.

Communication: The RAMP app (for IOS and Android) is the preferred method of communicating information in an effective manner. Team events (i.e., games, practices) will be posted in RAMP. Please use the RSVP feature to confirm your attendance for team events.

You can also find team information under the U11 menu on www.soccercapebreton.com.

We'd like to start a common practice that requires the boys to speak to a coach if they expect to be late or miss a practice.  This should become (if it isn't already) the responsibility of each player and not the parents. This common practice will build the boys' communication skills and teach them accountability. Even though you will be using the RAMP app to RSVP, we still want the boys to talk with the coaches about their attendance.

Finally, we also ask that parents do not talk to the coaches immediately before a game. If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to privately talk with us after the game.

Medical: Please notify the coaches of any special needs or requirements of your player i.e.: Diabetic, Asthma, Allergic to bee stings etc. and be sure to have the appropriate snacks or medication etc. packed with your player. Please also ensure that I have your direct cell/emergency number(s).

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